برگزار کنندگان
NasimTelecomقطب رايانش نرم و پردازش هوشمند اطلاعات kedcmeedcIPPBX-LABRicestISCIEEE-Iran-SectionIEEE_logoIoT center at Amirkabir University of TechnologyFaculty of EngineeringUniversity of EsfehanFerdowsi University of Mashhad
پوستر کنفرانس

کنفرانس هاي گذشته
پيوندهاي مفيد

انتخاب زبان

صفحه مناسب براي چاپگر


According to the decision of the Executive Committee of the SCIoT2020 conference and the sincere cooperation of the organizers of the specialized workshops for holding free workshops and certification of participation in them, those interested in participating in these workshops are requested to send their information, including name, last name, workshop code, email address and phone number, to the conference email (sciot2020@um.ac.ir). The issuance of a certificate is subject to the receipt of the participant's information, and if no information is received, despite attending the meetings, the certificate will not be awarded to the participant.

The schedule and entrance link of each workshop is available through the conference schedule.

تاريخ هاي مهم

مهلت ارسال مقالات

(تمديد شد)

26 ارديبهشت 1399

20 خرداد 1399

26 خرداد 1399

اعلام پذيرش مقالات

11 مرداد 1399

مهلت ارسال نسخه نهايي

11 شهريور 1399

برگزاري کنفرانس

 26-27 شهريور 1399


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  تعداد بازدید کنندگان :118972
©2016 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.